Our standard cleaning service is designed to keep your home fresh, tidy, and inviting on a regular basis. Whether it’s a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning, we focus on maintaining cleanliness in high-traffic areas while using eco-friendly, non-toxic products for a healthier home environment. We thoroughly dust, vacuum, mop, and sanitize key surfaces, ensuring every room feels refreshed. Kitchens and bathrooms receive special attention, with sinks, countertops, and appliances wiped down for a spotless finish. We also take care of mirrors, glass surfaces, baseboards, and light switches, eliminating dust and fingerprints. Trash bins are emptied, and floors are left gleaming with our gentle yet effective cleaning methods. This service is perfect for busy households looking for a reliable way to maintain cleanliness without the stress.
Want to come home to a consistently clean and refreshed space? Book your standard cleaning today!